Phantom troupe tattoo

122 Timeless Phantom Troupe Tattoo Ideas to Recreate This Year

For the past few decades or so, ever since its discovery, anime has really gained a massive following and has played a pivotal part in people’s lives. It initially gained worldwide recognition because of the creative thinking behind the plot each of them tend to contain. The storylines are wickedly indifferent and captivating at the same time, which renders them capable of being kid friendly as well as suitable for a mature audience.

Although almost all anime have had a successful outcome on television, very few of them failed to leave a mark in other industries. One of the anime that has consistently maintained its success since its creation however, is Hunter x Hunter. It contained the two main components of every good anime. A good storyline with exceptional visuals. It also receives high praise from the tattoo industry because of the flashy artwork that the Phantom Troupe, one of the prominent clans on the show, contains.

The Phantom Troupes is a team of active robbers with A-class bounties. They are also known as the Spiders since every member of the group has a tattoo of the 12 legged creature. Each groupie also has a number on their tattoo, but the meaning behind it has yet to be discovered.

122 Phantom Troupe Tattoo Design Ideas

If you’re a pre-existing fanatic of anime and consider Hunter x Hunter as one of your go-to anime, perhaps you don’t need any more reasons as to why you should get a tattoo of the Phantom Troupe . It is easily one of the most influential anime clans with memorable characters. The groundwork for each character’s appearance is also very unique and has a vibrant aesthetic, which will definitely pop out if it’s achieved on the skin.

Nonetheless, below are a few amazing Phantom Troupe Tattoo ideas that will definitely help you reminisce and bring back an unforgettable childhood memory!

Chrollo Lucilfer Tattoo

Every group starts with its leader. Similarly, a Phantom Troupe tattoo should start with Chrollo Lucilfer. Besides being the leader, Chrollo Lucilfer is also the strongest member of the clan and should definitely be your preferred design if he’s your favorite character.

Chrollo Lucilfer can be recreated and implemented on the skin in various ways. You can either get a fine line tattoo of his figure or get a design of his distinctive features. You can even get a tattoo of his spider badge if you like attention to detail you’re looking for a small sized tattoo. The cross tattoo can also be an excellent choice for beginners as it involves a painless procedure.

Phantom Troupe Spider Tattoo

Be a part of the Phantom Troupe and get the traditional spider tattoo. The design is very simple and can be a very good option if you’re seeking a minimalist tattoo.
You can also incorporate your creative thinking and create your own version of the Phantom Troupe logo tattoo. For inspiration, you can skim through the photos attached to this article and can even ask your tattoo artist for assistance.

Hisoka Morow Tattoo

Apart from being the antagonist of this show, Hisoka is one of the most popular members of the Phantom Troupe and in the anime scene. He’s mainly known for his complex characteristics and his face tattoos, which can easily be recreated onto the skin.

Moreover, the natural aesthetic that his character has can look very fascinating in a tattoo. The outfits that he wears will really make an average tattoo pop out along with the vibrant color of his hair.

Furthermore, there are multiple variations of Hisoka that can be expressed in a tattoo. You can get a portrait of his face, a figure tattoo, and can even recreate your own version of his star and tear face tattoo.

Phantom Tattoo with Numbers

Phantom Troupe tattoos become more relatable when paired up with numbers, mainly since each member had their own spider tattoo with a specific number. Become the new member of the troop and allow yourself to get this tattoo. For a more detailed version, add the number “13” to become the most recent member of the Phantom Troupe.

Phantom Troupe Arm Tattoo

The arm is an excellent place for a tattoo that is as detailed as an anime tattoo. It consists of an ample amount of space, which will allow the artist to create multiple forms of phantom troupe tattoos.

You can get a detailed tattoo of one specific character, or can even partner it up with multiple characters in the anime world and make it a sleeve tattoo.

To achieve the best outcome, get the artwork tattooed on your outer bicep. Although it will be time-consuming, the tattoo making process won’t be very painful. A bicep tattoo will also glow when you’re out in the sun.

Feitan Portor Tattoo

Feitan Portor is also one of the very few antagonists of this show that is known for their aesthetic and physical features. His hair is similar to that of the e-Boy haircut, which further increases his appeal.

Another reason why Feitan’s character is renowned is because of how much people relate to his reserved personality. While he doesn’t hesitate when torturing others in the anime, he rarely engages in small talk with the other characters on the show.
Since his build is naturally lanky, the best design of this tattoo can be achieved on the forearm. To add a subtle detail to it, you can pair it up with a phantom troupe spider tattoo.

Phantom Troupe Eye Tattoo

One of the reasons why this show is still relevant to this day is because of the face tattoos the characters contained. Even though they weren’t as sought after back then, face tattoos are extremely trendy and in fashion at the moment. It is also a very bold move to make, which can definitely add a certain amount of appeal to the wearer.

This tattoo is at its best when it’s placed on smaller regions of the body. However, the tattoo will also look amazing and will have plenty of room for other tattoos when achieved on spacious regions like the thigh, the bicep and the region under the shoulder blade.

Machi Komacine Tattoo

Machi Komacine tattoo

Machi Komacine is the third member of the criminal organization and is the strongest female member of the group. Her attire is similar to that of a ninja with a different color combo. Her preferred color is pink, which ironically matches the color of her hair.

A portrait of her can be an ideal tattoo for people who relate to her personality and want to pay homage to her character. The layout of her character is also very color friendly, as it contains shades of blue and pink.

Small Phantom Troupe Tattoo

This tattoo is mostly catered to fans that are minimalists and people who aren’t big fans of getting corny tattoos. The tattoo can be placed anywhere and will definitely increase the wearer’s overall appeal.

The pattern of this tattoo is also very versatile. One can easily get a bitmoji tattoo of one of the clan members, their distinctive features, and can also get a small tattoo of the logo of the clan to show the Phantom troupe some love. This option also consists of a trouble-free procedure, which makes this variation an excellent tattoo choice for beginners.

Shalnark Phantom Tattoo

Shalnark was probably one of the more affable people of the Phantom Troupe. He would often intervene during fights, and shared a special bond with the whole clan. The love he had for his crew is also a reason behind his unfortunate fate.

People who can relate to his personality can definitely be contenders for this tattoo. Moreover, visually, this tattoo is just as presentable because of the color palette his character contains.

Illumi Zoldyck Tattoo

Illumi is one of the more unfazed members of Phantom Troupe. He loves taking risks and is selfless enough to sacrifice his own life for his crew, which is a personality trait that a lot of people can relate to.

In addition to the previous incentive, another reason why an Illumi Zoldyck tattoo is in demand is because of the neutral color palette that his character comprises. His jetblack hair along with his olive outfit will definitely look amazing as a tattoo, especially on body parts like the forearm, and sleeve.

Kalluto Zoldyck Tattoo

Since Kalluto Zoldyck is the youngest member of the crew one can easily incorporate that into their lives, especially if they’re the youngest in their family.

Apart from the former factor, Kalluto is also known for his ruby colored eyes, which definitely looks spectacular as a tattoo. He is also known for being obedient and observant, which is something people can take up as motivation.

Shizuku Tattoo

Shizuku tattoo

Shizuku is mostly known for her composure. She tends to remain calm even when things don’t go her way, which is something a lot of us can relate to and learn from. She also believes in unity and is commended for her loyalty to the crew.

Moreover, although she is the twelfth strongest member of the group, her resemblance is similar to that of an e-Girl, which definitely makes the aesthetic of her character fascinating and might even look great as a tattoo.

Phantom Troupe All in One Tattoo

Phantom Troupe all in tattoo

While this tattoo is definitely catered to the die hard Phantom Troupe fans, it also looks very pleasing on the eye. The build of each character really complements one another, and the color combination that each character contains will definitely bring in some color and excitement to the artwork.

The only drawback, however, is the time you might have to invest. Nonetheless, it is definitely a tattoo with a lot of meaning and creative groundwork, which easily makes it the best tattoo option in this list.


Here are some useful answers that will help you acquire more knowledge on Phantom Troupe Tattoos in general.

Question: What is a Phantom Troupe Tattoo?

Answer: The Phantom Troupe tattoo comprises a twelve legged spider that each member has on their body. The tattoo also has a numerical value, which is mainly used to distinguish one member from the other.

Question: What does a spider tattoo symbolize?

Answer: A spider tattoo symbolizes wisdom, harmony and balance. It is also suitable for people that tackle every objective of their lives with peace and love. It is also a good tattoo option for minimalists, as the size of the tattoo is usually small but sophisticated.


We hope this article makes you appreciate the artwork of the Phantom Troupe as much as we do! We also hope it inspires you to create your own Phantom Troupe tattoo, and encourages you to take into account the beauty of Hunter x Hunter and its creativity.

Although die hard fans don’t need much convincing, people who have never heard of the manga or seen the series can definitely ink the options above on their skin solely due to the appeal of the artwork.

The artwork in this manga is incredibly creative and will definitely look when recreated on one’s skin. The color combinations complement one another and rarely look out of place when collaborated with other tattoos.

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