999 Tattoos

Twenty 999 Tattoos Inspired by Juice WRLD

As of 2025, the number 999 and the significance of its meaning has been universally acknowledged. If you are not familiar with 999 and its reference, fear not, we will discuss it in length so that by the end of the article you understand the importance of the number. 

On the other hand, if you are someone who has been considering getting a 999 tattoo for a while now, you have stumbled across the right article. We assure you, here, you will get some good ideas about where and what kind of designs you could get your tattoo in. You might be even inspired by a completely new pattern or placement that did not occur to you earlier. 

It must be duly noted, in many parts of the world, and many lost civilizations, the placement of tattoos was significant. However, while this is not something people care about any longer as most tattoo wearers simply get a tattoo on a place they prefer, we will try to depict the general view of some tattoo placements. 

Let us dive right into this discussion, and we hope you find this topic as interesting as we did. Of course, we aim to educate you as much as possible about the importance of 999, and maybe, when you are out with your friends or family next time, this is something you can converse about. 

Twenty Heartfelt Juice WRLD’s 999 Tattoo Ideas

If you were and still are a huge fan of the renowned rapper, Juice WRLD, it is not uncommon if you desire to get a tattoo in his honour. To make the decision easier for you, we have created a list of 20 tattoo ideas that you could find inspiration from for your own design. 

Juice WRLD 999 Tattoo

Juice WRLD was the stage name of the American rapper, Jared Anthony Higgins. He was an up and coming incredible young artist “taking over the world” – true to the meaning of his stage name.  Unfortunately, he passed away in 2019, right after turning 21, as a result of a drug overdose. The untimely death broke the hearts of millions of fans from all over the world. 

The rapper had 999 tattooed on his arm and mentioned it in his songs. So, naturally, people were curious about his connection to the number. During an interview when he was asked about his relation to what seemed like could be an angel or lucky number, he replied, “999 represents taking whatever ill, whatever bad situation, whatever struggle you’re going through and turning it into something positive to push yourself forward.” As a further explanation, Juice WRLD also mentioned that it was inspired by the Biblical number 666, which referred to “the mark of the beast”, i.e., Satan. And 999 is the opposite or inverted version of 666

Thus, 999 was symbolic to Juice WRLD and his fans that it’s okay to feel and express vulnerability and to hope for a better tomorrow. 

Consequently, fans went out of their way to get tattoos on Juice WRLD’s behalf as a tribute to his memory.  As you can see from the given pictures, most people got the words Juice or WRLD etched into their skin. However, all of them did get 999 for certain. The number 999 was a big part of the late artist’s identity and now his legacy.

999 Tattoo Behind Ear

999 tattoo behind ear 1

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Behind the ear is an uncommon place to get yourself a tattoo. While there is no specific meaning symbolising the placement, however, we can presume Juice WRLD’s fans would feel closest to him through the sense, i.e., hearing, they connected with him. So, for a lot of people getting a 999 behind their ear would be a good reminder of who the rapper was and how he touched the fans’ lives. 

As you can see in the pictures, you could get 999 diagonally or vertically. Both the patterns will be noticeable and look neat.

999 Tattoo On Wrist

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Unlike behind the ears, the wrist is one of the most common places to get tattoos. Many people believe wrists are the most delicate place of your body to get inked as the veins in our wrists are often associated with our lifelines. Moreover, wrist tattoos are always out in the air, you will always see the drawings. 

Overall, we can agree that getting inked on your wrist is equivalent to acknowledging you are willing to be open and vulnerable. And as we already know the number 999 is all about accepting and expressing vulnerability. So, it is an excellent notion to get 999 on your wrist. You can borrow an idea from our pictures below on how you would like yours, such as horizontal or may be combined with another pattern.

999 Tattoo on Finger

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If you want your design to be more on the smaller size and delicate, getting inked on your fingers might be your thing. You can either get a 9 on top of three different fingers – the numbers could be of the size you prefer. Or you could get the number on the inside of your finger, tucked away and hidden.

Halsey 999 Tattoo

Halsey 999 tattoo

Halsey, another popular American singer, got a tattoo in honour of her friend, Juice WRLD. She did this right after the rapper passed away. Halsey’s tattoo says “life’s a mess 999”, the namesake of the song they collaborated on. It is also an indicator of how she must have been feeling and grieving. Following her example, many other people got a similar tattoo.

999 Rose Tattoo

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Another 999 tattoo dedicated to Juice WRLD is the one merged with a rose. The 999 rose tattoo was an inspiration derived from the rapper’s song “Roses”, which was a collaboration with Benny Blanco and Brendon Urie. 

Rose joint with 999 is more popular than you would anticipate. And rightfully so, because the combination is striking and heartfelt. 

So, here are some ideas, you could get 999 and a rose separate but close by. Or you could entangle the two and make them into one single drawing. Colouring in or leaving them blank is completely up to you, but both ways the drawings will look good. 

Some places you could get these designs are your forearms, wrists, behind the ear, neck, bicep, back etc.

999 Neck Tattoo

999 neck tattoo

When you see someone with a neck tattoo, it could mean they are open to communication. When we say communication, we do not only mean verbal. This is more of an indication of how they have started a new journey and are looking forward to meeting new people, and acquiring adventurous and memorable experiences. The number 999 is a perfect symbol as we know it means being open and communicative. 

Per the picture, your tattoo could be of a tilted design like so, or you could get it done vertically. Of course, the size would be per your preference.

999 Heart Tattoo

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999 heart tattoo 2

Heart tattoos have always been in trend. People of all ages tend to get heart tattoos for various reasons. However, we will only focus here, obviously, on the connection of a heart tattoo with the number 999. 

The heart is, perhaps, one of the few symbols that have a universally collective meaning. If we consider hearts generally and do not specify by colours, there could be a few possible meanings. 

To put it simply, the heart is a symbol of love, friendship, companionship, bond, connection, etc. The concepts could be altered with the circumstances and the idea of the tattoo. For instance, in the pictures below, 999 is merged with broken hearts, which indicated Juice WRLD’s fans’ mourning his loss out of the love and connection they had with him. 

If you want a heart tattooed with 999, some ideas include, drawing 999 inside a whole or broken heart, 999 next to a small heart, or a broken heart between each number. This is a design you could get in many places on your body. We would suggest wrists, arms, or the nape of your neck.

Small 999 Tattoo

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As much as we love tattoos, not all of us want every tattoo to be noticeable. Sometimes we get a piece of art drawn on ourselves as a token and memento that’s just for us, and not as an expression for the world. In such cases, it is wise and easy to merely get a small tattoo. And as we have understood by now how significant and personal the number 999 is, it is only natural some of us will prefer to get it done in a smaller proportion and keep it tucked away like a secret. 

The greatest advantage of getting a small tattoo is you could literally get it anywhere and everywhere on your body. So, go wild and explore the possibilities.

999 Sleeve Tattoo

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Another commonplace to get tattooed up is on your upper limb (right below your arm), which is known as the sleeve tattoo. There are two main reasons for getting sleeve tattoos. Due to the placement, they are quite noticeable and people who like to express themselves with body art are big on this kind of tattoo. Also, the fact that the upper limb is one of the places that is a low pain area is a huge bonus for tattoo lovers. 

Therefore, you could consider engraving a design on the back or front part of your arm, just above your elbow. Whether it will be big or small is up to you. You could probably get a 999 with a rose or heart too.

999 Tattoo On Leg

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How do you feel about getting inked on your leg? If you find the idea iffy, let us assure you it’s not a bad idea. In fact, if you like to wear shorts a lot, tattoos on your legs is a great idea. On the other hand, if you want a tattoo that’s covered up and don’t prefer wearing shorts, this is once again a placement that will work to your benefit. 

So, where should you get a leg tattoo? Anywhere from your thighs down to your ankle. However, you must keep in mind leg tattoos are slightly more painful than others.

999 Tattoo On Chest

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Tattoos on your chest indicate power and strength. It is also an act of masculinity. It does not matter to which gender you conform to, if you feel more comfortable in your masculine energy, a 999 tattoo on your chest will be the way to go. You could also get it over your heart as that is symbolic in itself.

Tyla Yaweh 999 Tattoo

Tyla Yaweh 999 tattoo

Tyla Yaweh is another artist, like Halsey, who chose to honour the memory of his dear friend Juice WRLD by etching the 999 number on himself. He got the number on his face in a diagonal manner, a reminder that he and the world will miss his friend. 

If you like face tattoos, you can follow Yaweh’s footsteps and get a diagonal 999 tattooed on your face.

Chef With 999 Tattoo

Chef with 999 tattoo

Are you a professional chef? Or do you enjoy cooking? Either way, another interesting idea to get a 999 tattoo is with a chef drawing. Given the meaning of 999, you could relate to your chef-related dream or life. It would be a good reminder and motivation to keep going on, just as the artist wanted. In our opinion, the best place to get this would be anywhere in your arms.

Angel Wings 999 Tattoo

Angel wings 999 tattoo 1

Angel wings 999 tattoo 2

Angel wings are a huge part of the tattoo world. They are symbolic for loved ones, i.e., a memorial tattoo. When you get inked with angel wings, they are in honour or memory of someone who meant the world to you. Naturally, many Juice WRLD fans did just that. They got a 999 with angel wings in his memory. 

Sleeve or wrist tattoos would look wonderful and eye-catching for this idea. If you want somewhere higher up, maybe on your back or the nape of your neck would be good placements too.

999 and Butterfly Tattoo

999 and butterfly tattoo 2

Similar to angel wings, butterfly tattoos are also the main symbol in the art of tattoos. There are many depictions of a butterfly such as love, joy, devotion, soul-purifying, transformation, etc. The meaning behind the art will depend on the wearer.

If you get one with the number 999, it could indicate the soul-purifying or transition experience the number and the rapper played in your life. It is thoughtful and quite heart-touching.

The placement of this tattoo could be on your arms or back, as it will be slightly on the bigger size. These places would capture the beauty of the drawing appropriately.

999 Flame Tattoo

Flames, or fire, universally symbolise passion, desire, and purification. As you can observe in the pictures, 999 with flames looks beautiful in an emotionally moving way. Fans who felt and lived through Juice WRLD’s career knew and understood the artist’s passion for his music. He shared that with his listeners, hence, it is only appropriate to get 999 with flames. Once again, arms would be a great place for this tattoo.

Sasuke Curse Mark 999 Tattoo

Sasuke curse mark 999 tattoo

Did you watch Naruto? Are you a fan of it and also of Juice WRLD? On behalf of both worlds, you could combine and go for a tattoo, which is the Sasuke Curse Mark with 999 stamped inside it. It is a design that could be small enough to be drawn literally anywhere. So, maybe your neck or wrists would be perfect.

999 Tattoo On Hand

999 tattoo on hand

How do you feel about hand tattoos? We know it is slightly more daring and exposing, so it isn’t for everyone. But when and if done correctly, and if you feel confident about showcasing your drawing, it is a good idea. And small tattoos like a number, in this case, 999, would look quite delicate and powerful on your hands. So, possibly on your palm, or on top of your hand – somewhere below the knuckles.

Skull and Flame 999 Tattoo

Skull and flame 999 tattoo

A symbolic image of death is the skull. So, when you combine skull and flames together, an interpretation could be purification via death. Or rebirth. Frankly, the meaning depends on you. Nevertheless, 999 with skull and flame is a courageous and meaningful idea for a tattoo. You could get this done on a part of your body, like back, chest, or arms, where the details could be focused on and expressed clearly.

Final Thoughts 

To summarise everything, we discussed above, the number 999 holds immense values and sentiments for the fans of Juice WRLD as it did for the young artist. We know and understand how meaningful the number was to him. To get something like that on your skin as his music lover is not only honourable to his memory and art but also, in a way, you are keeping him alive in others’ memories too. You are still cherishing and loving his music just the way you did only a couple of years ago. Therefore, if you have been pondering about getting 999 inked on your skin, go get it!

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