Loyalty over love tattoo

44 Spectacular Loyalty Over Love Tattoo Ideas with Meaning

The decision between love and loyalty is diverse and interesting. But when it comes to romance, each individual has a distinct idea of what it is. Some people think that it includes loyalty, whereas others view trust as a virtue that inevitably leads to love. The concepts of love and loyalty are largely connected, therefore it’s important to recognize their respective relevance for one’s life before assigning the appropriate value to either.

Loyalty over love tattoos are actually quote tattoos and it has been a popular one for a long time. The concept and the meaning differs from person to person and also how the design is used is also a major fact indeed. Mainly those who have experienced something or want to remember something they usually go for this designed tattoo.

So let’s not waste no time and dive into the different meanings of Loyalty over Love and also explore the phenomenal designs which will absolutely make you stunned!

Discover The Meaning Of Loyalty Over Love Tattoo

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Loyalty Over Love tattoos show the significance of loyalty in someone’s existence. Faith, dedication, and just a decision to follow an individual’s vows are all examples of loyalty. Persons who acquire this tattoo indicate that with their lives, trust comes before love. It implies that regardless of being in love with someone or something, one will always prefer to leave if there is any doubt about their devotion.

Tattoos that display Loyalty Over Love often convey the idea that enduring loyalty is far more significant than passing sentiments of love. It indicates that embracing love is a decision. Because of this, many folks get it tattooed on their skin.

Because it promotes both personal and collective success in partnerships, loyalty too is linked to love. Being at one someone’s side is indeed a crucial form of support that only enduring relationships might offer.

Trendy Ideas Of Loyalty Over Love Tattoos!

There are plenty of different designs and concepts you may use to make your own customized tattoo that conveys the phrase, Loyalty Over Love. It’s crucial to choose the location of your tattoo since we’re talking about designs. One’s selection of a location may have a significant impact on your design, and inversely. You may keep this group of tattoos as large or as little as you wish.

So if you are looking for new ideas of A Loyalty Over Tattoo then check out the sections below for a better point of view. These designs are specially arranged for particular ideas, you may use the design or just can take the idea and make a new one for you.

 Loyalty Over Love Tattoo On Forearm

Loyalty over love tattoo on forearm

For a word tattoo, Loyalty Over Love is a perfect one on the forearms. As the forearms are bent and quite long, so if you want to write something with ink, then this is the right spot. As in the picture you can see a simple writing of the Loyalty Over Love tattoo with a very aesthetic font.

So choosing the fonts actually is very important, as the place and design is perfect. You can add colors according to your wish, but as a word tattoo, then you should try the black ink only.

 Floral Loyalty Over Love Tattoo

Floral loyalty over love tattoo

As the quote is related to love, flowers are a common subject indeed. For the flower fans out there, they can also check these Loyalty over Love tattoos if they could relate the phrase with their own means. This tattoo is actually very beautiful and you can use it on your forearms, thighs, shoulders or any other place with a good space.

In the image you can see a flower and a butterfly and at the top of it a tattoo is written ” Loyalty Over Love”. So the person perfectly described his inner meanings with the tattoo design itself. To add a more realistic vibe, colors are added here.

 Loyalty Over Love Tattoo On Chest

Loyalty over love tattoo on chest

Those who believe with their heart that Loyalty should come first above all, for them Loyalty Over Love tattoos on their chest is the best choice ever. If you really follow something with your full belief, and you always want to keep close to your heart to remember it firmly, then this quote with the Chest position is the most amazing mix up ever.

Loyalty Over Love on a chest tattoo is really something special as it is closer to your heart. No example could be so accurate as the above Anatomical Heart shaped Loyalty Over Love tattoo on the chest.

Old School Loyalty Over Love Tattoo

Old school loyalty over love tattoo

The designs which bring back nostalgia and have been used for a long long time are usually known as the old school designed tattoos. Old school tattoos are somehow also traditional as it follows popular designs from the past. Loyalty Over Love tattoos also have a long history so they also come with old school designs.

This phrase has a deep meaning which also comes with the bro code, those who do business together or been partners for a long time, if they experience something bad or similar experiences, they usually go for the Loyalty Over Love tattoos.

Loyalty Over Love Tattoo On Bicep

Loyalty over love tattoo on bicep

Bicep tattoos vary in design depending on the size or shape of the bicep. Those who do gyms have different types of biceps and those who are skinny their shape is different. The Loyalty Over Love tattoo on Bicep is a good choice as the placement is quite perfect.

From the image you can see the word tattoo looks good on the biceps as this portion of the body is always brighter than other parts of the body. You can add colors or keep the black ink as per your design. Just choose the fonts wisely for a better look of the Loyalty Over Love tattoo on the Bicep.

Loyalty Over Love Cross Tattoo

Loyalty over love cross tattoo

Religious tattoo freaks have a tendency to keep a cross shaped design on their tattoos. The issue of loyalty and love is a serious subject, so the involvement of God here is nothing surprising. Many try to show their loyalty towards God through the Loyalty Over Love Cross tattoo.

As this is a clear message, the client tries to find some place visible like the forearms, hands, necks, arms and so on for the tattoo design . The size of the tattoo depends on where you want to set and the design also depends on you.

Loyalty Over Love Tattoo Above Knee

Above knee loyalty over love tattoo

Above the knee tattoos have a separate fan base and they choose their tattoos according to their shapes. Script tattoos are mostly liked in this position especially and look perfect above the knee. You can place the words according to your chosen fonts and can use the area like your own design.

As there is quite a space, so with the Loyalty Over Love, you can add up some other designs for example you can see in the image. Also you can play with the words according to your own wish. Colors will look bright but script letters are best with big black clear fonts!

Loyalty Over Love Tattoo On Hand

Loyalty over love tattoo on hand

Another suitable place for script tattoos is the hand. This extremely visible place is perfect for those who are looking to show off their tattoos or want to send a message out there. As in the image, the letters are inked with very small letters which perfectly fits beside the fingers and also holds the meaning as well.

Loyalty Over Love on Hands is a perfect place in my opinion, because someone who firmly believes in this idea, of course wants to show his stand in front of the world. Colors and fonts depend on the client, it is better to avoid complicated designs in such areas.

Loyalty Over Love Tattoo On Arm

Loyalty over love tattoo on arm

Loyalty Over Love tattoos on arms are explicit tattoos that show a direct message to the world. The fonts and the size tells how desperate you are on this idea. As there is enough space, so those who want a Loyalty Over Love tattoo on arms. They could use bigger designs according to their wish.

Those who have a bright tone usually want color in their tattoos, which looks vibrant. Choosing the arms, you get a hell lot of options to design your own. So use the place carefully, and better to consult with a tattoo expert first.

 More Superb Designs Of Loyalty Over Love Tattoos!

Being a word tattoo, except the fonts and sizes there are not so many options to change. But everyone wants a unique one, so people tend to mix up designs with similar concepts. Such ideas are discussed above and if still you haven’t found your fitted one, then you can check more designs that I added here. You can find a number of designs here and can choose any of the designs for you!

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To see the latest design of a Loyalty Over Love tattoo on your forearm, you can check out the video here. You will find out a very new unique concept, as well as if you are thinking of a forearm tattoo, then also this would be very much helpful for you!


Loyalty Over Love tattoos are old school and people are using this phrase as tattoos for a long period of time. As the days go by, though the phrase remains the same, the designs are changing day by day. People  not only find new designs, they even consider doing the tattoo somewhere not done before.

By now, you will get your desired Loyalty Over Love tattoo ideas and designs if you have truly gone through the article. All the necessary details are given including placement and meanings. I always try to bring the best out of the tattoos with the help of other expertise and with my Tattoo studio experiences! Thank you for your patience!

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