Flamingo tattoo

52 Creative Flamingo Tattoo Ideas To Show Flamboyance

There was a movie in the 70’s called the Pink Flamingos. You may have heard about it because it is frequently featured in the list of the most disturbing films. In this movie, a repulsive woman wearing a flamingo costume does some horrendous acts.

Although the movie was a social commentary and touches on very deep subjects, the disturbing aspects of it makes our skin crawl to this day. Aside from this movie, there are countless depictions of pink flamingos in modern and traditional literature. This is the reason why so many people crave to get a tattoo of this wonderful bird.
Why shouldn’t they? The overall appearance of a flamingo is to die for. The pink feathers along with a deep black beak catches the attention of our eyes the moment we notice it. So today we are going to learn everything there is to know about flamingo tattoos.

The Feathers Have Eyes: The Cryptic Meaning Behind Flamingo Tattoos

Flamingo tattoo meaning


Flamingos have a lot of connotations in the modern world. From the icon of miami to being a retro symbol, flamingos are the cornerstone of every contemporary phenomena. But there are some meanings of this tattoo that remain to be hidden. Lets unlock the hidden chest that is the flamingo tattoos.

The Symbol Of Femininity

Because of its pink feathers and an incredibly polite posture, people have considered the flamingos to be an icon of femininity. Although most birds are quite aggressive, flamingos are calm and collected. They seek to be completely aware of their surroundings and don’t make any sudden moves. This behavior resonates with a lot of women.

How Flamingos Became A Spiritual Deity

If we go back in time, we will notice that in Peru people used to worship flamingos thinking that it would grant them prosperity. They made monuments of these birds and even got tattoos of them on their bodies. Many of the higher ups wore clothes and headdresses made out of feathers from flamingos.

The Portrayal Of Flamingos In Modern Pop Culture

We already covered the depraved depiction in the pink flamingo movie. Another iteration of this amazing bird is in Alice In Wonderland where it was seen to be in the infamous croquet scene. They were used as a mellet. This depiction further made us fall in love with the flamingos.

There are also countless movies where the flamingos seem flying at a distance or in a canvas. Now the meaning behind these scenes is up for debate. What do you think? Tell us in the comment.

Inspiring Flamingo Tattoo Designs To Get Right Now

There are some bigots who consider the flamingo tattoos to be only tailored for women. But tattoes know no sex or race. They are gender fluid. So both men and women can enjoy the aesthetics of this fantastic bird.

As the visuals are so jaw dropping, it’s easy to get overwhelmed while choosing the tattoo. So here is a comprehensive list of some of the best and brightest tattoos that we could get our hands on.

Pink Flamingo Tattoo

Pink Flamingo Tattoo 1


Pink Flamingo Tattoo 2


The distinguishable trait of flamingo is undoubtedly its pink feathers. The subtle yet satisfying color makes the flamingo appear as the queen of all birds.

Usually, artists don’t try to make a hyper realistic tattoo in the case of flamingos. They opt for a design that captures each and every part of the flamingo but requires a lot less work. They attempt to dilute the colors to make the body glow a bit.

Try to incorporate some other elements in the tattoo to create a unique composition. A simple palm tree or a coconut can go a long way. Always emphasize on the bird rather than the additional elements. Otherwise it would totally defeat the purpose.

Simple Flamingo Tattoo

Simple Flamingo Tattoo 1


Simple Flamingo Tattoo 2


Most tattoos require multiple sessions and final touch ups. This puts a toll on both the body canvas and the artist. That’s why the concept of making hyper realistic tattoos is slowly fading away.

Now simple tattoos are in vogue. Using only shapes, you can easily depict a flamingo. You don’t even need to color the bird.

Just get a general outline of the exterior of the flamingo. Give some shades in the curvy sections and voila. You will have a flamingo tattoo to die for.

Small Flamingo Tattoo

Small Flamingo Tattoo


Flamingos are usually quite large. Whenever they roam in the ponds, you just feel its magnitude from across the distance.

So you may be wondering that drawing such a big bird in a small manner will do injustice to it. Well, no. When we see something in an unusual state, our brains release different types of hormones because it is not accustomed to the image.

This creates a unique sensation that can’t be explained in words. You just have to feel it. It also makes the tattoo look adorable.

Girly Flamingo Tattoo

Girly Flamingo Tattoo


Well, flamingos are the quintessential girly tattoos. From the color to the bones, each of the components perfectly resembles the characteristics of a woman.

Now you can take it one step further by including some floral patterns into the mix. Use whimsical colors to make it seem like there is a whole other world beneath our skin.

Black Flamingo Tattoo

Black Flamingo Tattoo


The main concept of this kind of style is to portray a silhouette of the bird instead of illustrating all the parts. The tattoo artists who are reading this post might have breathed a sigh of relief.

But drawing a silhouette isn’t that easy either. You still have to get the exterior right. Make sure you use a deep black color to fill up the body so that the tattoo looks quite deadly.

Traditional Flamingo Tattoo

Traditional Flamingo Tattoo 1


Traditional Flamingo Tattoo 2


In ancient tradition, people viewed flamingos in a very high regard. They would often pray to this pink creature believing that it would make their days easy.

Many young warriors who had a persona similar to the flamingos would get artwork of the flamingo. Now if you consider your totem to be a flamingo then go for this tattoo. Who knows. It might bring out the inner beast in you.

Flamingo Outline Tattoo

Flamingo Outline Tattoo 1


Flamingo Outline Tattoo 2


Your skin is the most intriguing thing in the world. It’s the most intricate canvas that can be manipulated into making countless effects.

So why destroy the whole image of your beautiful skin by coloring the tattoo? Instead make a general framework of the bird and that’s it. It would make the tattoo look geometrical and people can interpret whatever they want.

Realistic Flamingo Tattoo

Realistic Flamingo Tattoo


For this kind of tattoo, you need to capture each and every part of the flamingo just right. From the beak to its thin elongated legs, everything needs to be perfect.

A quick tip to make any tattoo look realistic is to add a shadow effect. You can gently dilute the colors to leave a trail to make the flamingo have a shadow in the background.

Black and White Flamingo Tattoo

Black and White Flamingo Tattoo


We see so many colors today. Artists around the world have blended multiple colors to create something that has never before been seen. But the root of all these colors is black and white.

Aside from its visuals , there is a lot of depth to the black and white flamingo tattoo. These two colors portray two polar opposite concepts like life and death. If you get this tattoo, you will have a sense of the negative as well as the positive aspects of life. it would make you stronger.

Watercolor Flamingo Tattoo

Watercolor Flamingo Tattoo


To portray the subtle pink color on its feathers, watercolor is undoubtedly the best. Unlike other colors, it doesn’t create a sharp visual that just pierces through our eyes.

Instead it makes a gentle soothing image of the flamingo that you can look at for hours. As watercolors don’t have any boundaries, it mixes with your skin making the bird look real.

Flamingo Palm Tree Tattoo

Flamingo Palm Tree Tattoo


Flamingos have become a symbol of the beach life of miami. Everyday countless people put on their swimsuits and go for a swim in the saltiest waters of miami. They then soak their bodies in the grainiest sands.

So what is the one thing that you can associate with the beaches of miami? It is undoubtedly the palm trees. In most beaches, there are lines after lines of these trees just gently swingning because of the breeze. You can mix the flamingo and some palm trees together to make a phenomenal tattoo.

Cute Flamingo Tattoo

Cute Flamingo Tattoo


Flamingos are the most adorable creatures on the planet. If it wasn’t illegal, everyone would’ve started making them as their pets.

To make flamingos look cuter, create a chubby version of them by making their legs short and giving some meat in their body. Also include some childish elements in the mix such as a rainbow colored ball or hat to give it an edge.

Flamingo Ankle Tattoo

Flamingo Ankle Tattoo


Flamingos sometimes have to migrate to far lands because of the scarcity of food. They have to fly miles after miles to finally reach their destination.

Many succumb to death during their journey. Some accomplish the task and finally get their hard work paid off by finding food.

When the food and the flamingos reunite, it seems like the entire world rejoices. So it’s only fair to get the flamingo tattoo in a place where the leg meets the foot. It will compliment each other perfectly.

Baby Flamingo Tattoo

Baby Flamingo Tattoo 1


Baby Flamingo Tattoo 2


Even babies of the nastiest and cruelest creatures known to man are adorable. The innocence just melts our hearts. So you can only imagine how precious the baby flamingos are.

A rule of thumb while getting a baby flamingo tattoo is to make sure you get the morphological features right. Some artists try to draw a baby flamingo but instead draw an adult one. Therefore research extensively.

Flamingo Finger Tattoo

Flamingo Finger Tattoo


Rather than drawing a small flamingo shape in one of your fingers, you should use all five of them. Let us explain.

If you illustrate a petite tattoo on your finger then you need to carry a magnifying glass with you at all times otherwise no one can understand what the tattoo means. So, make.five different segments of the flamingo and draw each compartment in one of your fingers. This way, when you will get your fingers close, it will make the flamingo whole.

Geometric Flamingo Tattoo

Geometric Flamingo Tattoo 1


Geometric Flamingo Tattoo 2


The surface of the flamingos aren’t that sophisticated. You can easily draw the entirety of it using only geometric shapes.

The first thing you need to do is get a general outline and then fill it up with some shapes. The triangle is the one everyone is after because of its association with the illuminati but you can choose any shape you want.

Flamingo Neck Tattoo

Flamingo Neck Tattoo


When you will get the flamingo neck tattoo, you will create a movie in your skin

So the flamingo wanders around the desert with no signs of life. There are no trees anywhere. Everywhere it sees, there is just sand and sand. Suddenly the flamingo sees a bush of trees in the distance. It feels a ray of hope and runs to the jungle and lives its life happily ever after. Here, the sand is your back and the hair is the bush.

Flamingo Wrist Tattoo

Flamingo Wrist Tattoo


When we were young, we used to point our wrists to make webs like the spiderman. Even though we knew in our subconscious mind that it wasn’t possible, we didn’t stop.

Let’s go back to those days and relive the nostalgia by getting the flamingo wrist tattoo. So instead of webs, a beautiful, pink colored flamingo will come out of the wrist. How cool is that!

Sharpen Your Skills With This Amazing Flamingo Tattoo Timelapse

Everytime we look at a flamingo, our joys know no bounds. The aesthetic visual of it tickles all our senses. That’s why people all over the world are going into a frenzy to get this tattoo on their body.

But choosing the right style can be confusing. You may not be accustomed to the tattooing techniques that contemporary artists employ. So give this timelapse a good look to understand how it is done.


Beneath the beauty, a flamingo hides a lot of secrets. Some may have been decoded while others still remain cryptic. So, without further ado, let’s find out the answers to all the questions that still have been left answered to uncover the truth of flamingo tattoos.

Q: What Is The Best Place For A Flamingo Tattoo?

Ans: The flamingos have an elongated neck that just gradually gets narrower. It also has a large beak and a couple of thin legs. So the best place for this bird is anywhere with a decent amount of space such as the forearm or thigh.

Q: Are Flamingo Tattoos Expensive?

Ans: Not really. All the tattoos are pretty much in the same price range. If you want to get a tattoo with more details and colors then you have to spend a couple of hundred dollars extra.

Q: Are Flamingo Tattoos Lucky?

Ans: They are believed to be extremely lucky. In many households, people attach a picture of the flamingos thinking that it will keep the peace and serenity of their house. When you get this tattoo, it will also make your body and mind fresh by looking at the aesthetic and tranquil design.


Whether it’s standing by its feet in the water or flying in the vast sky, the flamingos are always a treat to watch. By setting the appearance of them, we can always say that the creator has taken his time while making this phenomenal bird.

The flamingo also has a spiritual value as it is believed to be an amulet of good luck. Those who are going through a rough time can get a sense of inspiration from the tattoo.

The tattoo teaches us that no matter how beautiful and amazing you are, you should always be kind and helpful to others just like a flamingo.

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